Research, Reliability & Validity
Research and rigorous validation studies by Wiley have made DiSC® psychometric assessments products you can confidently use in training, coaching or consulting situations. Research reports are publicly available here.
All reports are provided as PDF files.
Everything DiSC® Application Library Research ReportResearch on the Everything DiSC® Application profiles for Management, Sales, Workplace, and the Everything DiSC® Comparison Report.
Section 1 includes background and research on the assessment, specifically on the Adaptive Testing response set, The DiSC® scales that are derived from this information, and the circumplex representation of the model. Sections 2-4 provide research on the application-specific models used in Everything DiSC Management®, Everything DiSC Sales®, and Everything DiSC Workplace®. Section 5 provides the research for the Everything DiSC® Comparison Report.
How My Graph Became a DotHow the newer Everything DiSC® circle and dot representation was developed to make the model simpler, more intuitive, and more relevant than the classic graph model.
Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders Research Report and
How Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders Fits into Contemporary Leadership Theory: White Paper
The research behind the first DiSC 360®. Includes both extensive validation research and a white paper on how the model fits in with other popular leadership theories.